Nose Work and Scent Work Classes

Getting Started

The introductory series of classes are taught using the principles and concepts developed by NACSW TM for K9 Nose Work® classes.

Class: Introduction to Nose Work

Description: This class is the first class in our series and provides an opportunity for your dog to safely engage in a game based on the dog’s natural hunting instinct. Handlers will learn how to observe dogs in a natural activity. Given the opportunity to work at this game, dogs become more focused and confident. The dog/handler bond becomes stronger. Initially dogs will hunt for food or a toy in cardboard boxes. As skills develop other objects will be introduced into the hunt. Search exercises will have dogs searching for multiple hides as well as for just one hide, high hides and low easily accessible and partially blocked. This class is appropriate for dogs of all ages, from puppies to senior dogs.
Prerequisites: In this class dogs work one at a time, so dog must be able to rest quietly in a crate when not working. Dogs must be under handler control in the parking lot and when coming into or leaving the building. Completion of a puppy or obedience class is recommended.

Class: Introduction to Odor

Description: This is the second class in our series for teams beginning nose work. Dogs who are enthusiastic hunters for food or a toy will begin to hunt for a target odor, birch. To start the target odor will be paired with the dog’s primary reward. Searches will be designed to create high value for the hunt for the target odor. Additional odors may be introduced, anise and/or clove. The handler will practice observing each dog’s behavior throughout the stages of the search process. Searches will be inside the training building and in the parking lot, weather permitting. Handlers will be encouraged to take and review videos of runs in class and homework
Prerequisites: In this class dogs work one at a time, so each dog must be able to rest quietly in a crate when not working. Dogs must be under handler control in the parking lot and when coming into or leaving the building. Completion of a puppy or obedience class is recommended. Completion of NW Introduction to Nose Work or or equivalent. Dog actively searches for primary reward (food or toy).

Class: NW Basic Nose Work

This class is for teams that have been searching for odor for six weeks or longer. With instructor approval, teams searching for primary, may participate in this class. This class will continue introducing dogs to different search scenarios. During cooler weather, teams will be introduced to searching exteriors and vehicles. As teams progress, hides will include birch, anise and clove. Handlers will be helped to articulate the changes of behavior that the dog exhibits during the search. Exercises will be adapted to each team, will support independent searching and to strengthen obedience to odor. Handlers will be encouraged to take and review videos of runs in class and homework. Suitable to be repeated for two or three sessions.

Prerequisites: In this class dogs work one at a time, so dog must be able to rest in a crate when not working. Dogs must be under handler control in the parking lot and when coming into or leaving the building. Completion of Introduction to Nose Work and Introduction to Odor or equivalent with approval of the instructor.

Foundation Work

Teams that have taken the “Getting Started” classes at OTCPBC or equivalent classes elsewhere will find this class helpful in strengthening their foundation.

Class: NW Foundation Skills

Description: Continuing foundation work in nose work skills for dogs early in nose work career. Exercises will focus on strengthening odor obedience and increasing team confidence. Birch, anise and clove will be used in hides. Continued introductory work on skills related to hide placement:   multiple hides, elevations from ground level up to 6 feet, thresholds, corners, blocked. Will include work in the search elements used in competition nose work, containers, interiors, exteriors, and vehicles, distance and speed. Elements emphasized will be adapted to the needs of the class participants, upcoming event opportunities and weather. Searches will be indoors and outdoors at the OTCBC building and parking lot  depending on the weather. Teams will be expected to video searches and share with classmates. Suitable to be repeated for several sessions.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be searching at least two odors:  birch, anise or clove, and have completed twelve weeks of beginning level instruction or equivalent with approval of the instructor. With instructor approval, teams searching for primary (food or toy), may participate in this class.

Skill Building

These classes are suitable for teams wishing to practice their skills. Searches are designed to provide dogs and handlers with opportunities to work on various skills.  Courses will be offered based on demand and available resources. Suitable for more advanced teams wishing to strengthen foundations as well as less experienced dogs wishing to practice skills. All teams need to be on three odors and have some experience working searches in various environments. Classes may be offered as a six week or a three week class.

Class Name: NW Skill Building

Description: Grow your team by building skills in this class. Searches will be constructed to work on specific skills for both dogs and handlers. Skills include elevations, inaccessible, converging odor, thresholds, distractions, time management, leash handling and more. Teams will be asked to search blank areas and under blind conditions. Searches will be conducted both indoors and outdoors, weather dependent.

Prerequisite: Teams must already be searching for Birch, Anise and Clove.

Class: Advanced Skill Building

Description: Exercises to strengthen and broaden nose work skills for dogs that have been doing nose work for 1-2 years. Birch, anise and clove will be used in hides. Hide puzzles will include multiple hides, elevations from ground level up to 6 feet, thresholds, corners, blocked and inaccessible hides, etc. Searches will take place indoors at the OTCPBC clubhouse and outdoors in the parking lot, weather permitting. Teams will be expected to video searches and share with classmates.
Prerequisites: Experience with multiple hides, converging odor, hides at various elevations.

Practice and Trial Preparation Classes

Class: Novice Trial Prep

Description: For Nose Work teams looking to gain experience and refine skills to compete at NACSW NW1& AKC SW Novice, or similar. This class will focus on exposure to elements, team building, and search strategy. Elements from both venues will be incorporated into the searches for this class. Participants are encouraged to volunteer use of their vehicle for searching.
Prerequisites:Teams need to be searching proficiently for Birch.


Class: Intermediate Trial Prep

Description: For Nose Work teams looking to gain experience and refine skills to compete at NACSW NW2 and AKC SW Advanced, or similar. This class will focus on exposure to elements, team building and search strategy. Elements from both venues will be incorporated into the searches for this class. Participants are encouraged to volunteer use of their vehicle for searching.
Prerequisites:Teams need to be searching proficiently for Birch and Anise.