
Agility is an athletic event that requires conditioning, concentration, training, and teamwork. Dogs and handlers must negotiate an obstacle course while racing against the clock. Agility is a great form of exercise for both dog and handler, and a fun way to bond. And you don’t have to compete to enjoy agility. Taking an agility class offers many other benefits. But many people start the sport just for fun, only to get bitten by the agility bug and become lifelong competitors!

All agility classes are taught outside on our regulation-sized agility field October – May. Summer classes starting mid-June are taught inside our air-conditioned building on mats.


Indoor Summer Agility Classes

ClassPrerequisitesParticipant requirements:What to Bring
AG Agility Foundation Skills JWW
Focus is on the dog’s ability to commit to a single obstacle and learn proper form as well as tight turns/wraps. Various turning cues will be introduced and fine tuned.  Multiple jumps will be used to train various components of jumping skills and navigation (handling) skills.  Recognizing how to support your dog’s path between obstacles, and which cues are most helpful will be addressed.
Dogs will do best in this class with some basic obedience, willingness to be a team partner, and have some experience learning how to shape and offer new behaviors.  New handlers and young dogs will do well in this class with some degree of operant behavior.  “Operant,” in this class means a willingness to learn as opposed to using class time in a disruptive manner.  If your dog is lacking a strong foundation in agility, it’s a great class to create more accuracy, confidence, and understanding your cues.A positive attitude while learning new skills.  Dogs should be praised as opposed to constant corrections when there is an element of failure.  Failures while attempting new skills should not be reprimanded.  It is information to use as a positive to focus on your own skill level as well as your dogs.  Learning to work as a team is an incredible experience which strengthens your relationship and your dog’s confidence in class and beyond.  It’s important to support everyone in class and learn from their time in class as well as your own.  Please avoid meet and greets with other dogs during class.  The learning experience is about you and your dog bonding as a team. Other dogs in class can certainly appear more entertaining and distracting for young dogs especially. Please bring treats that will not break apart and leave crumbs on the floor.  The surface is dark, so dogs will notice any bits that remain on the floor.  Toys used for tossing or tugging are encouraged in addition to treats.  Regular flat collars, not corrective, are most suitable.  Dogs must be on leash when not crated or working.  Please bring water for your dog, and a crate.  All dogs must be crated when not working.  Also bring a chair.  Dogs relax in their crates more naturally when you are sitting and relaxed as well
AG Novice/Open JWW
Handlers will learn strategies and skills to combine obstacles in order to increase speed and accuracy.  Teams will be introduced to skills the dog needs in order to send, create more lateral distance, and understand in advance when and where a turn is indicated. In addition, we will work on jump/obstacle commitment, fine tune weave performance, and staying connected between obstacles.
Must have previous experience sequencing at least 10 obstacles and an understanding of basic handling skills.  New skills will be introduced to succeed in more advanced levels of competition or simply create better team communication and teamwork.A positive attitude while learning new skills.  Dogs should be praised as opposed to constant corrections when there is an element of failure.  Failures while attempting new skills should not be reprimanded.  It is information to use as a positive to focus on your own skill level as well as your dogs.  Learning to work as a team is an incredible experience which strengthens your relationship and your dog’s confidence in class and beyond.  It’s important to support everyone in class and learn from their time in class as well as your own.  Please avoid meet and greets with other dogs during class.  The learning experience is about you and your dog bonding as a team. Other dogs in class can certainly appear more entertaining and distracting for young dogs especially. Please bring treats that will not break apart and leave crumbs on the floor.  The surface is dark, so dogs will notice any bits that remain on the floor.  Toys used for tossing or tugging are encouraged in addition to treats.  Regular flat collars, not corrective, are most suitable.  Dogs must be on leash when not crated or working.  Please bring water for your dog, and a crate.  All dogs must be crated when not working.  Also bring a chair.  Dogs relax in their crates more naturally when you are sitting and relaxed as well
AG Advanced/Master’s Coursework JWW
This class is appropriate for those already competing and wish to increase and fine tune their skill level in competition.  Advanced skills as well as International handling challenges will be presented.
Ideally, participants should be competing or able to negotiate more complex sequencing skills.A willingness to learn new skills or fine tune more advanced sequencing.Please bring treats that will not break apart and leave crumbs on the floor.  The surface is dark, so dogs will notice any bits that remain on the floor.  Toys used for tossing or tugging are encouraged in addition to treats.  Regular flat collars, not corrective, are most suitable.  Dogs must be on leash when not crated or working.  Please bring water for your dog, and a crate.  All dogs must be crated when not working.  Also bring a chair.

Class NameWhen/InstructorClick Button to Register
AG Agility Foundation Skills JWW (7958) Wednesdays, 7/24-8/28/2024 from 3:30-4:45pm.
Leslie Granville-Smith
Registration Closed
AG Novice/Open JWW (7959)Wednesdays, 7/24-8/28/2024 from 5:00-6:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Registration Closed
AG Advanced/Master’s Coursework JWW (7957)Wednesdays, 7/24-8/28/2024 from 6:30-7:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Class meets indoors for six weeks for an hour and fifteen minutes. Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months). All dogs must be crated when not working.  Please read prerequisites and only register for an appropriate level.

Questions about Agility?