Member Events

Seminar: Role of Stewards at AKC Obedience Trials

When: Sunday, May 19th from 9:00 am to 11:00+ am

Where: OTCPBC Clubhouse 1250 Gateway Rd. Lake Park FL 33403

What: Learn how to effectively and confidently Steward for Obedience Trials

Presenters: AKC Judges Luci and Ron Seeley

This promises to be a valuable seminar for all those who participate in Obedience Trials; both for those working and earning volunteer hours as well as those who show their dogs.  Improve your ring behavior and potentially improve your scores.

OTCPBC believes this information is valuable, and therefore participants will be credited with 3 volunteer hours just for attending.

We will also have door prizes, snacks, coffee and a good time will be had by all!!!!!!