
Tracking is a canine sport that demonstrates a dog’s natural ability to recognize and follow a scent, and is the foundation of canine search and rescue work. In tracking the dog is completely in charge, because only he knows how to use his nose to find and follow the track. For many, the greatest pleasure of tracking are the hours spent outside, training and interacting with their dogs and the comaraderie that comes with spending time with others who love the sport.

Members get together to practice…

Tricia Boychuk’s “Skye”
Debonair JJ Celebrates Freedom CD, BN, VST, TD, TDU, BCAT, SCN, SIN, SHDN, SCA, DJ, DS, TKN [L1E, L1I, ORT (NACSW)]*  Qualifier – 2020 AKC Obedience Classic practicing urban tracking.

Photo courtesy of Lindsey Smith


And tracking may be one of several sports enjoyed by the dog/handler team…

Angel Andrews’ Cairn Terrier MOORGREEN’S ANGEL CLEMENTINE CDX RN TDU FDC BCAT SWA SCE SHDE RATN  CGCA CGCU TKE proving little dogs are capable of tracking.  Clementine is the 2nd Cairn Terrier to earn a Tracking Dog Urban title. 

Photo courtesy of Lindsey Smith.

Class Format

Tracking classes are small, generally 3-4 dogs, held in large, outdoor spaces during winter months. Dog/handler teams work one at a time.

Class Name: Intro To Tracking

Description: This class will introduce handlers to the sport of tracking, how to begin, how to progress and the rules. Class will be a combination of lecture and hands on training.  This class is for people with no tracking experience.

What to Bring: Bring 6 to 8 ft lead, collar, water, folding chair, and lots of special treats.

Cost: $45. (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteer hours within the last 12 months)

Class NameDates and TimeInstructorLocationClick Button to Register
TR Intro to Tracking1 (8072)Fridays
8:30-10:30 am
Jane CraigJupiter Farms Park
TR Intro to Tracking 1 (8071)Sundays
5:45-7:45 pm
Fran Smith and Tricia BoychukDyer Park
Please register for either the Friday class or the sunday class, not for both.

Class Name: Intro To Tracking 2

Description: This class will introduce the handlers on how to lay a track, how to progress to longer tracks, duration and what are the next steps to continue.

Prerequisites:  Must have taken the recently completed Intro to Tracking class or instructor approval for equivalent.

What to Bring: Non-restrictive harness and a 6 to 10 foot leash.

Cost: $45. (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteer hours within the last 12 months)

Class NameDates and TimeInstructorLocationClick Button to Register
TR Intro to Tracking 2
TR Intro to Tracking 2
Please register for either the Thursday class or the Friday class, not for both.

Local Park Websites

Dyer Park, WPB

Jupiter Farms Park, Jupiter

Lake Lytal Park, WPB

Timer Powers Park, Martin County

Tracking Tests