
Does your dog love people? Is your dog comfortable in novel environments? Can you imagine your dog greeting the sick and elderly in a nursing home? Or working with a child who is learning to read?

Therapy dogs and their owners work together to improve the lives of other people.

Our instructors and certified Therapy Dogs International examiners are themselves registered TDI participants, with active visiting therapy dog partners.

We recommend that you train through the Canine Good Citizen exam before registering for the TDI exam.

Sample CGC Video

Watch video to review the ten test Items for the CGC Test.

Class Name: Therapy Dog Class

Description: Does your dog love people? Is your dog comfortable in new environments? Can you imagind him/her greeting the sick and elderly in a nursing home?

Prerequisites: Training through the Canine Good Citizen exam.

What to Bring: Buckle collar. Pinch collars and head halter collars are not permitted. 6′ leash and lots of treats, low (e.g.,cheese sticks), medium (e.g., hot dogs) and high level (e.g., boiled chicken).

Class Length: Class meets for six weeks for an hour.

Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months)

Class NameStartsInstructorClick Button to Register
PO Therapy Dog Class (8198)Thursday, 4:30 – 5:30 pm.
Susan MinixRegistration opens 6 wks before 1st class.

Test Name: Therapy Dog International Test

The TDI Test is designed to simulate a visit with a therapy dog at a facility. This test reflects realistic situations and should be helpful in evaluating the potential therapy dog. For more information see TDI Brochure

Date and Time: See above

Cost: $15

Test NameStartsExaminerRegistration Information
Therapy Dog International Test TBD

Lindsey SmithRegistration opens TBD

Online Registration is required.

Once you have registered for the TDI Test, please download, complete and bring this form to the test.
TDI Evaluation Liability Agreement

Upcoming Classes:

Therapy Dog Resources:

TDI Test Requirements
TDI Evaluation Liability Agreement

Questions? Please contact