
Agility is an athletic event that requires conditioning, concentration, training, and teamwork. Dogs and handlers must negotiate an obstacle course while racing against the clock. Agility is a great form of exercise for both dog and handler, and a fun way to bond. And you don’t have to compete to enjoy agility. Taking an agility class offers many other benefits. But many people start the sport just for fun, only to get bitten by the agility bug and become lifelong competitors!

All agility classes are taught outside on our regulation-sized agility field October – May. Summer classes starting mid-June are taught inside our air-conditioned building on mats.


Outdoor Agility Classes

Class Name and DescriptionPrerequisites and Participant Requirements:Participant Requirements:
Agility FUNdamentals Series

This multi-part series is suitable for puppies and NEW students/dogs to agility.  Emphasis is on building a solid relationship and skills necessary to begin the process of sequencing multiple obstacles.
Part 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite for part 2 and Part 2 is a prerequisite for Part 3.

Dogs must have completed at least one basic obedience course.  A STAR puppy program or CGC (Canine Good Citizen) is recommended.
Dogs must not be aggressive towards people or other dogs.
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG Agilty FUNdamentals Part 1
For students/dogs who are new to the sport or need a refresher in basic foundation skills to build on.
Highly recommended to have completed any canine enrichment classes.  This would be several levels of basic obedience, STAR Puppy, CGC, Tricks class, and the new FIT class is helpful.  Teams with previous class experience in various obedience and/or FIT training will catch on quickly to skills preparing your dog to excel in the sport of agility.  Teamwork, good behavior, and the ability to learn new skills are the foundation for a great agility experience moving on to various skill levels.
Crates are mandatory for any agility class.  Dogs must be leashed or crated at all times when not working.
Ability to work around other dogs and people without aggression.  This six-week class is mostly on leash, but more can be accomplished if multiple teams can work on the field.  A good recall is very helpful as well as operant behavior skills. (Willing to learn and offer new behaviors)
 A few props will be introduced in class you will need to use at home to practice certain behaviors.  They should be brought to every class after we discuss them.  This would be a simple plastic lid you can hold in the palm of your hand, and other types of “targets.”  There are limitless types of toys that may help with your training as well.  We will discuss this in class as to what type of toy and when to use them.

See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG Agilty FUNdamentals Part 2
This class is suitable for young dogs and NEW students/dogs to agility.  Emphasis is on building a solid relationship and skills necessary to begin the process of sequencing multiple obstacles. Dogs will continue to be introduced to all obstacles and advance their obstacle skills.  This class is designed to follow the skill level of those who completed Part 1 of Fundamentals, or have had previous agility foundation classes.
Students should have previous agility foundation skills training and be somewhat familiar with all obstacles. Students must have a well behaved dog with adequate  basic obedience training.  A solid recall as well as focus on task is a plus!
Dogs must have completed at least one basic obedience course.  AKC enrichment training and Titles (STAR puppy, CGC, CGCA, etc) are very helpful to build your foundation as a team and be familiar with working in group environments and developing better learning habits.  They are not needed to participate in this class, but recommended to be the best team possible navigation multiple obstacles in agility.
 Dogs must not be aggressive towards people or other dogs.
 All dogs must be crated when not working.  Also must be leashed entering or exiting agility field. Flat buckle collar and 6 foot leash are encouraged.  Please do not have anything attached to dog’s leash, such as a potty bag container (if dog is ever working on leash.)  Bring interactive toys and soft training treats. A treat pouch is highly recommended.  Please bring plenty of water and bowl for your dog.  For yourself, please wear proper running shoes.  No sandals or open footwear.  A small fan is recommended for cooling your dog while crated.  You will also need a chair and water for yourself 
Wait for the previous class to exit before entering for your class.
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG FUNdamentals to Agility (Level 3)Foundation skills for agility continued.  Skills for Obstacle performance and handling (navigation between obstacles,) are continued, proofed, and polished to start combining multiple obstacles. Level 3 will focus on polishing skills from previous levels and simple sequences to work on handling skills. Students must be familiar with all obstacles.  Additional proofing and skills (proficiency) will be added to contacts and weaves.
Must have completed several Intro Agility classes with FOUNDATION for training obstacles, working off leash, and obedient to basic commands.  Those who have completed FUNdamentals PART ONE and PART TWO will be prioritized and given the start date in advance.  FUNdamental students currently in PART 2 are encouraged to sign up as soon as it posts to the website.

Enthusiasm and a willing happy canine partner to learn with.  Wait for the previous class to exit before entering for your class.
Bring all items previously utilized:  targets, treats, and toys.  Bring crate, water and a chair since neither will be provided.
AG Agility Intro and Beyond
This class is suitable for young dogs and NEW students/dogs to agility.  Emphasis is on building a solid relationship and skills necessary to begin the process of sequencing multiple obstacles. Dogs will continue to be introduced to all obstacles and advance their obstacle skills.  This class is designed to follow the skill level of those who completed Part 1 or Part 2 of Fundamentals, or have had previous agility foundation classes.
Students should have previous agility foundation skills training and be somewhat familiar with all obstacles. Students must have a well behaved dog with adequate  basic obedience training.  A solid recall as well as focus on tasks is a plus!
Dogs must have completed at least one basic obedience course.  AKC enrichment training and Titles (STAR puppy, CGC, CGCA, etc) are very helpful to build your foundation as a team and be familiar with working in group environments and developing better learning habits.  They are not needed to participate in this class, but recommended to be the best team possible for navigating multiple obstacles in agility.
 Dogs must not be aggressive towards people or other dogs
All dogs must be crated when not working.  Also must be leashed entering or exiting the agility field. Flat buckle collar and 6 foot leash are encouraged.  Please do not have anything attached to the dog’s leash, such as a potty bag container (if the dog is ever working on a leash.)  Bring interactive toys and soft training treats. A treat pouch is highly recommended.  Please bring plenty of water and a bowl for your dog.  For yourself, please wear proper running shoes.  No sandals or open footwear.  A small fan is recommended for cooling your dog while it is being crated.  You will also need a chair and water for yourself.
AG Introduction to Contacts and Weaves
In this class we will review/address proper negotiation of all Contacts (A Frame, Dog Walk, Teeter, Table) and various methods of training weave poles.  Suitable for BEGINNERS or those in need of rehab or remedial training.  A good refresher for any team struggling with criteria.

Any previous Agility Foundation classes are helpful.
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG Beginner Sequencing
In this class dogs and handlers will be negotiating short sequences (multiple obstacles.)  Dogs will be training on all agility obstacles including contacts and weaves.  We will build on your foundation skills and learn how to negotiate obstacles efficiently, accurately with speed, and safely.  Emphasis will also include connection with your dog between obstacles.
Students must have ADEQUATE FOUNDATION SKILLS from previous classes.  This includes maintaining dogs’ attention and focus in order to negotiate multiple obstacles.
Dogs should be somewhat familiar with all obstacles.  We will be building on these skills. 
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG Competitive Novice/Open Agility
In this class dogs and handlers will be working on effective communication/navigation skills between obstacles.  You will learn which turning cue works best for you as a team between obstacles.  Also why and where to use specific turning cues which includes working on your timing and staying connected while in motion.   We will have short sequences for drills, and coursework which will include all obstacles.
Students must have previous experience running full courses and negotiation contacts and weaves.  This class is best suited for teams preparing for competition or already competing at Novice/Open level.
Dogs should be familiar with all obstacles.  Handlers must have knowledge of basic handling skills.  
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
AG Advanced/Master’s Skills and Coursework
This class is best suited for teams already competing.  We will be fine tuning handling skills and various options as they apply to course challenges.  Emphasis will be on navigating full courses as well as addressing sections of each course to address any issues with handling options, timing, and learning new skills in order to excel in competition.
Students should have previous experience running full courses with various types of turns, discriminations, and a willingness to try new techniques.
Keep an open mind and be respectful of others who may struggle and require additional help.  Encouraging and supporting classmates is also important.
See below: Requirements for All Agility Classes
Requirements for All Agility Classes
All dogs must be non-reactive (aggressive) towards other dogs or humans. Students must have a well behaved dog with ample basic obedience training.  A solid recall as well as focus on task is a plus and is most helpful to keep class running smoothly. Please potty your dog before entering the agility area, and wait for previous class to exit. 

All dogs must be crated when not working. 
Dogs must be leashed entering or exiting agility field. Flat buckle collar and 6 foot leash are encouraged.  Please do not have anything attached to dog’s leash, such as a potty bag container (if dog is ever working on leash.)  Bring interactive toys and soft training treats. A treat pouch is highly recommended.  Please bring plenty of water and bowl for your dog.  For yourself, please wear proper running shoes.  No sandals or open footwear.  A small fan is recommended for cooling your dog while crated.  You will also need a chair and water for yourself. 

Class Schedule

Class NameWhen/InstructorClick Button to Register
Agility FUNdamentals Part 1 (8281)Thursdays
3:00 – 4:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Agility FUNdamentals Part 2 (8282)Thursdays
4:30-5:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith

Registration Closed
Agility FUNdamentals Part 3 (8283)Thursdays
6:00-7:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith

Registration Closed
AG Beginner Sequencing (8286)
3:30-4:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Registration Closed
AG Competitive Novice/Open Agility (8287)
5:00-6:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Registration Closed
AG Advanced/Master’s Skills and Coursework (8288)Wednesdays
6:30-7:45 pm
Rained out 3/5. Rain date 4/9.

Leslie Granville-Smith
Registration Closed
AG Agility Intro and Beyond (8374)Thursdays
4:30-5:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Pre-Novice Agility (8375)Thursdays
6:00-7:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
AG Beginner Sequencing (8373)Wednesdays
3:30-4:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
AG Competitive Novice/Open Agility (8372)Wednesdays
5:00-6:15 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
AG Advanced/Master’s Skills and Coursework (8371)Wednesdays
6:30-7:45 pm
Leslie Granville-Smith
Classes that meet outdoors for six weeks for an hour and fifteen minutes Cost for six-weeks: $139. (20% discount for OTCPBC Club members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months). All dogs must be crated when not working.  Please read prerequisites and only register for an appropriate level.

Questions about Agility?