Competition Obedience

Competition Obedience Class Offerings

Whether you are looking to get started in competition obedience exercises or to proof and polish the execution of familiar exercises, find classes and class sequences that will work for you and your dog.


CO Competition Fine Tuning

Description: All level Run-thru’s with critiques and tips.  Do you think you might be ready to enter a Trial?  You could benefit from a run-thru in your level to see where you are and if you are ready to Trial.  Learn to have a plan and a ring strategy that works for you and your dog. Get help with handling and distractions from a judge being near your dog and giving commands.  Putting together a complete run will give you an idea if your dog is read to go the distance. Come with knowledge of your competition level and the proper equipment for your level. Each level will meet for two weeks. Separate registration for each two week segment. Cost: $43 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months).

CO Competition Fine Tuning: LevelsWhenInstructorClick Button to Register
Novice Fine Tuning Peggy DeMinico
Open Fine Tuning Peggy DeMinico
Utility Fine Tuning Peggy DeMinico

Sharpening up Performance

Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
CO Focus Fetch Fun and MoreThinking of entering our November Trial?  Wanting that CDX Title?  Let’s sharpen up our performance in the OPEN level.  Focus on some of the issues your dog has in certain exercises.  Distractions, anticipation, lack of drive, what to do between each exercise.  Anything your dog has an issue with, we can work on.  Every part of each exercise needs to be practiced to be able to have a qualifying run.Even if you are not ready to consider trialing, you can still benefit from this training.  You need to have trained in the open level.  No titles necessary.Dumbell, treats, jackpot jar.
CO Open/Utility Pre-Trial ReviewPractice your Open/Utility exercises prior to the Trial.  This is a 3- week primer aimed at helping you qualify with confidence.  If not competing – hone your skills.Full knowledge of Open and/or Utility exercises.Yourself, your dog and plenty of treats/toys to encourage them and enthusiasm!

Class NameMeetsInstructorClick Button to Register
CO Focus Fetch Fun and MorePeggy DeMinico
CO Open/Utility Pre-Trial Review Peggy DeMinico
Six week hour long classes cost $139. Fees for classes with fewer sessions are prorated. (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months)

Drop-in Drill Classes

Drill Class Levels
DescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
Novice Drill

In Novice Drill class we will be practicing heeling in group as well as individual short sequences with & without distractions. All of the exercises in both Beginner Novice & Novice will be perfected to go into the ring successfully. Learn how to heel successfully without lagging & nagging!To participate in this class, dogs must have taken Basic and Intermediate Obedience classes. They must also be almost ready to compete in Beginner Novice or Novice Obedience. You do not have to have a title to participate.6′ leash, a piece of string or ribbon to slip thru the collar loop as well as several types of treats including one for high level rewards only.
Class NameDates and Time Instructor
Novice Drill11:30am to 12:30pm
6/21/24, 6/28/24, 7/12/24,
7/26/24, 8/2/24, 8/9/24, 8/30/24
9/6/24,  9/27/24.
Additional Dates: 10/4/24, 10/11/24, 10/18/24, 10/25/24
Betty Gansky
Dates and times subject to change
Cost: $10 Exact change or check. No need to pre-register – this is a drop in class opportunity.

Pre Novice, Transition to Competition Classes

Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
CO Beyond the BasicsThis class uses play and food to introduce intermediate obedience skills that will improve your dog’s focus and enthusiasm for work. Skills included: Go to Place (10 feet); Stay with Release (Distractions); Send around Object; Send over Jump; Front (Dog sits in front of you); Finish (Dog puts himself in heel position); Find Mine (scent work).Basic Obedience. Dogs should be reliable “off leash” (they will work with a short leash hanging from the collar). They should know Sit, Down, Come, and Stay. Because dogs work off leash, dogs that do not like other dogs will not enjoy this clas Materials needed: Short leash (18″ – 2′), Mat or area rug for place training, Small cone
CO Novice Prep SchoolThe Novice Prep class is important, because it is the foundation for the higher levels and gives the handler the opportunity to work with their dog in a show ring setting. Dogs should learn to be confident, steady, and motivated workers. Skills included: This class will include working with Rally signs, motivated heel exercises including: the figure 8, learning to get attention from your dog even when distracted, fun recalls, fronts, a steady confident sit with exam, the sit stay while you walk around the ring, and the recall from approximately 25 feet away.To participate in this class, dogs must have taken basic and intermediate classes and/or Rally Novice classes. You do not have to have a title.Come to class with plenty of training treats and the motivation to have fun!
Session Registration Follows Just Below

Class Length: Class meets for six weeks for an hour.

Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months)

Class NameStartsInstructorClick Button to Register
CO Beyond the BasicsTBDTBD
CO Novice Prep School (7897)TBDTBD

Novice Level Classes

Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
CO Novice Foundation ILet’s get ready to earn your Novice CD Title. We will begin work on heeling and learn how to motivate our dogs. Yes….figure 8’s can be fun and let’s learn a kick back stand for exam. Recalls with emphasis on the all too important front. Sit and down stay for 1 minute on a 6’ leash. So are you ready? Come join the fun and let’s get started on the road to a title.
To be ready for this class it is helpful to have taken one or more of these classes: Basic, Intermediate, Beyond the Basics, Novice Prep School, CGC.6’ leash, assorted treats, tug toy, jackpot jar (filled with high value treats)
CO Novice Foundation IIThis second level class is designed for continuing education of all the novice level exercises. We will add duration to some of the exercises as well as focus with motivation. We will continue to break down each exercise to help handlers and dogs gain confidence and have a clear understanding of what is expected in this level to earn the CD title.
To participate in this class it is helpful if dogs have completed Novice Foundation l. Or have taken a basic, intermediate or novice prep class. No titles needed.6’ leash, short heeling leash, string cheese, other assorted treats, tug toy, clicker and a jack pot jar.
CO Novice Foundation III Pre-Open In this third level we will put emphasis on heeling on and off lead. Continue to work on recalls, fronts and finishes,
stand and figure 8. We will put exercises together for a ring ready performance. We will introduce dumbbell and start retrieve procedures. We will also start work on jumping.

To participate in this class dogs must have taken a basic or CGC class it is also helpful to take our Novice Prep School class. Dogs do not need to have a title.6’ leash, short heel leash, tug toy, clicker, assorted treats, target lid, jack pot jar, and a dumbbell if you have one. If not one can be ordered.
CO Novice/Pre-Open ReviewThis class is designed for a review of all novice level exercises. We will work on specific problems you might have with heeling, stand, recalls, fronts and stays. We will address the proper footwork for heel as well as learning what is acceptable handling techniques for each exercise. Please make a note of where you are having trouble so we can address your problems in class.
Novice Foundation 1-36’ leash, short heel leash, tug toy, clicker, assorted treats, target lid, jack pot jar, and a dumbbell if you have one. If not one can be ordered.
Session Registration Follows Just Below

Class NameStartsInstructorClick Button to Register
CO Novice Foundation I (7987)New Start Date: Thursday 3:00-4:00pm
No class 11/28/24

6-week class.
Peggy DeMinico
CO Novice Foundation II (7988)
Thursday 4:00-5:00pm
11/14/24-12/19/24. No class 11/28/24.
5-week class.
Peggy DeMinicoCanceled
CO Novice Foundation III Pre-Open
CO Novice/Pre-Open Review
Cost: 6-week class $139, 5-week class $116 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months).

Open Level Classes

Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
CO Open Foundation IIn this first level Open class we will continue to work on perfecting our heeling exercise with motivational games keeping it fun and interesting for our dogs. Continue work on the dumbbell to achieve a retrieve. We will do jumping exercises keeping the jumps low at first to familiarize the dogs with the jump command. Signals for the command Discrimination and quick fun drops for the recall. We will break down each exercise to teach small parts which we will eventually put together for a complete exercise.To participate in this class dogs should have a retrieve or have started on the dumbbell. Know novice level exercises and be familiar with open level exercises. Know your jump height. Titles not necessary.Short heeling leash, collar tab, dumbbell, string cheese and other assorted treats (not including boiled chicken), jackpot jar and a tug toy
CO Open Foundation IIIn this second level of open we will continue to break down exercises to get speed and accuracy while having fun. We will start to raise the jump height for each dog. Each dog and handler will have their own criteria depending on where they are in their training. We will work together to get focus from distractions.Dogs should have finished the Novice Foundation level and be started on the retrieve and jumping.Dumbbell, short heel leash, collar tab, assorted treats(no cookie bags), tug toy,clicker and jackpot jar.
CO Open Foundation IIIIn this third level Open Class we will continue to work on all the exercises in a trial ready format. Each handler/og team will work at their own pace and level with continued troubleshooting of any exercise parts that still have problems. As we move along in this level, the formality of each individual exercise will be explained and worked on to achieve a trial ready performanceHandlers should have taken Open I and/or Open II or have trained some Open exercises and are familiar with this level. Dogs should have a dumbbell retrieve and been introduced to jumps.Short heeling leash, collar tab, dumbbell, tug toy, assorted treats, jackpot jar and a chair.
CO Open IV / Pre UtilityIn this class the Instructor will help students with handling, proofing and training issues making sure each student is clear on all the open level exercises and what they need to do training wise to have the best performance they can. Students will be working at their level of training for the proofing process. Throughout the duration of this class the Instructor will introduce fun and exciting ways to start some of the Utility level exercises.Dogs should be familiar with all the Open level exercises. Dogs and handlers do not need to be familiar with the Utility level exercises. No titles required.Bring your happy eager to learn dog, along with a…short heel leash, collar tab, dumbbell, tug toy, clicker, assorted treats, jackpot jar and two targets (plastic lids).
CO Open Review-Beginner UtilityThis class is for students needing continual practice with instruction at the Open level. Get help with any training and or handling issues on the Open exercises. We will continue to work on fun exercises moving into the Utility level. It is helpful to have gloves and articles so you should be thinking about which two articles of the three choices you will be using: Metal, Leather, or Wood.Dogs and handlers need to be familiar with all Open level exercises or have taken Open I – IV. Handlers do not have to be familiar with Utility and no titles needed.Short heel leash, collar tab, dumbbell, tug toy, clicker, target lid, gloves, articles, treats (cooked hotdogs) jackpot jar.
CO Open Continuing EducationThis class is for students needing continual practice with instruction at the Open level. Get help with any training and or handling issues on the Open exercises.  We will continue to work on fun exercises moving into the Utility level.  It is helpful to have gloves and articles so you should be thinking about which two articles of the three choices you will be using: Metal, Leather, or Wood.Dogs and handlers need to be familiar with all Open level exercises.  Handlers do not have to be familiar with Utility and no titles needed.Short heeling leash, collar tab, proper fitting dumbbell, clicker, tug toy, jackpot jar.
Session Registration Follows Just Below

Open Level Class Sessions

Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months).

Class Length: Class meets for six weeks for an hour and 15 minutes.

Class NameStartsInstructorClick Button to Register
CO Open Foundation I
Class Name: CO Open Foundation II Registration closed
CO Open Foundation III (7994)Fridays 3:00-4:15 pm
Peggy DeMinicoRegistration closed
CO Open IV / Pre Utility (7993)Wednesday 3:00-4:15 pm 11/6-12/18/24. No class 11/27/24Peggy DeMinico
CO Open Review-Beginner Utility
CO Open Continuing Education
CO Open Continuing Education
CO Open Continuing Education (7578)Mondays 9/9-10/14/24at 3:45pm Peggy DeMinico

Utility Level Classes

Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
CO Utility Foundation IThis class is designed for dogs just starting on utility level exercises.
We will break down each exercise and learn them from the ground up by using motivational games to keep dogs engaged and happy.
We will work on confidence building as dogs in utility must be able to think and work consistently away from you. This level includes signals, articles, gloves, and jumping. This level is extremely challenging but totally rewarding. So be prepared to have tons of fun!!
Dogs should have taken Open I, II, III, IV or be familiar with the Open level exercises. Dogs should be able to jump full height and retrieve. Handlers do not have to be familiar with Utility level exercises and no titles necessary.Short heel leash, collar tab, clicker, target lids, tug toy, scent articles, gloves, jackpot jar.
CO Utility Foundation IIIn this class we will continue to break exercises down with motivational games to help dogs to learn and enjoy all parts of this challenging level. We will work together in the ring as a group to add focus and gain confidence while keeping it fun. Learning each part step by step will make it easy to put the whole exercise together, and get us closer to trial ready.Dog and handler should have taken a Competition class or are familiar with this level. Dogs must jump and retrieve.Scent articles, set of 3 gloves, a target, tug toy, assorted treats, hot dogs and a jackpot jar.
CO Utility Foundation IIIIn this third session we will start to put some exercises together in a more formal sense. There is no need to rush this process so if the dogs are not ready to do the multiple steps we will continue to work motivationally on each step to get it refined on the dogs part as well as the handler. Handling techniques in utility are very important so we want to take our time to get it right.Dogs and handlers should have a knowledge of and have started training all the utility exercises.Scent articles, gloves, a target for go outs, a tug toy, assorted treats, and a jackpot jar.
CO Utility Foundation IVIn this fourth session we will work on the distances for signals and directed jumping. Put the jumps up to each dog’s final height. We will team up for articles, one working their dog and their partner putting their articles out then vice versa. This will give each student a chance to do both parts of the exercise. We will take turns examining each other’s dogs for the moving stand. We will team up with a partner for the directed retrieve, one putting out the gloves and one doing them, and then switching roles. The teamwork will help everyone learn how to help each other and learn how to be a steward in a Trial or Show & Go.Utility Foundation III or equivalent trainingGloves, articles, tug toy, jackpot jar, short leash.
CO Utility – Continued LearningJoin this class to brush up on your handling techniques and to further your dog’s knowledge of this challenging level. Work on any training issues you might have. Find, fetch, go, jump – it’s all fun.

Whether your dog is almost ready to trial or needs more training, all are welcome.Scent articles, set of 3 gloves, a target, tug toy, assorted treats, squeeze cheese and a jackpot jar.
Session Registration Follows Just Below

Class Length: Class meets for six weeks for an hour and 15 minutes.

Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months)

Class NameStartsInstructorClick Button to Register
CO Utility Foundation I
CO Utility Foundation IITBDPeggy DeMinicoTBD
CO Utility Foundation IIITBDPeggy DeMinicoTBD
CO Utility Foundation IV TBDPeggy DeMinicoTBD
CO Utility – Continued Learning Peggy DeMinico
CO Utility – Continued Learning (7624)TBDPeggy DeMinico
CO Utility – Continued Learning
CO Utility – Continued Learning (7626)Mondays 10/28-12/9/24 at 3:45 pmPeggy DeMinico
Class meets for six weeks for an hour and 15 minutes. Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteers hours within the last 12 months).

Advanced Special Purpose Classes


Information about Trials and Show n Go events:
Obedience Events