You already take walks with your dog…

Do you track how far and how often you walk?

Do you know activities and exercises to protect and improve your dog’s fitness?

Try AKC’s new FIT DOG program…

Make the walks you take with your dog part of a documented exercise program. Participate in group activities with your dog and other teams working on fitness goals. Take classes to improve your canine fitness skill set. And get recognition for your team’s achievements.


AKC FIT DOG titles were designed to provide a structured, individualized fitness plan that you and your dog can do together. There are 3 levels of AKC fitness titles—Bronze (FITB), Silver (FITS), and Gold (FITG). Each title requires a specific number, based on title level, of activity points to be completed.

Examples of FIT DOG exercises:

Tuck sit; nose touch; front paw targeting; shake a paw; cookie stretch; kick back stand; spin left/right; fold back down; cavaletti poles; pivot rear legs.

FIT DOG Activity Categories:

AKC FIT DOG Course; Community Runs; Walks/Hikes (independent or group); Unique to each team; AKC title that is fitness related; AKC Parent Club Performance Titles.


Class NameDescriptionPrerequisitesWhat to Bring
PO Fit Dog Class Level IThe AKC Fit Program was developed to help improve and maintain the fitness and health of all dogs and their owners.  There are three levels of Fit Dog Titles: Bronze, Silver and Gold.  Each requires a specific number of activity points.  This class will count as activity points towards the Bronze title.  You will learn the proper form and safety doing various exercises that will improve your dog’s balance, flexibility, stamina and overall fitness.Basic obedience or equivalent. Please note this class is not for dogs who require rehabilitation or physical therapy.  This class is for healthy dogs with no prior significant injury.Healthy small size treats that may be easily swallowed and do not crumble.
PO FIT Dog Level 2 AKC FIt Dog Level 2 course builds off the fundamental skills and concepts learned in Fit Dog 1 and continues to foster canine conditioning to increase your dog’s performance, increase endurance, decrease risk of injury and lower stress levels.  This course is designed to inspire dog owners to engage in low impact fitness-related activities, while minimizing the risk of injury or harm due to inexperienced instructing.  Canine core and full body fitness are also superb base training for dog teams that participate in agility, scent and nose sports, rally, disc sports, FastCat, etc.
Attendees will track their skills and progress using a provided AKC Skills sheet and will be evaluated at the last class (week 6) by the AKC Fit Dog Instructor/Evaluator and receive an AKC Fit Dog Certificate.
Dogs must have taken and successfully completed an  AKC Fit Dog One in order to take Fit Dog Two.  It is recommended that participants in this class be at least one year of age and complete at least a Puppy or Basic Obedience Class first.Healthy small size treats that may be easily swallowed and do not crumble.
PO FIT Dog Level 3This course is for dogs with no significant injuries or ongoing conditions.  New skills introduced are all four paws on, figure 8 around cones, bow to stand, pivot to sidestep, elevated nose touch, sidestepping to target.  Benefits include mental and physical stimulation, reduced risk of injury, increased strength, flexibility and cardio health.Fit Dog Levels 1 and 2Healthy small size treats that may be easily swallowed and do not crumble.
PO FIT Dog All LevelsThe AKC Fit program was developed to help improve and maintain the fitness and health of all dogs and their owners.  There are 3 levels of Fit Dog titles; Bronze, Silver and Gold.  Each requires a specific number of activity points, including Fit Dog and other physical activities.  In this class we combine the skills of all 3 levels, each building from the fundamental skills and concepts learned at the prior level.  To be awarded at each level participants must complete 6 weeks of classes and be proficient in performing the skills required for their particular level.  Using proper form and safety are required while doing various exercises.  These skills improve your dog’s balance, flexibility, stamina, and fitness.  Canine core and body fitness are a superb base training for dog teams that participate in agility, scent and nose sports, rally, disc sports, Fast Cat, etc.  Completing each level contributes to the points required to earn a title.This course is for dogs with no significant injuries.  It is not for dogs who require rehabilitation or physical therapy.  Dogs should have basic obedience or equivalent.Please bring soft, easily swallowed treats, buckle collar, 6 ft leash.  Pinch collars or head halters are NOT permitted

Class NameMeetsInstructorClick Button to Register
PO Fit Dog Class Level I
PO FIT Dog Class Level 2
PO FIT Dog Class Level 3
PO FIT Dog All Levels (8199)Thursday
6:00-7:00 pm
Date change
No class 1/30/25
Susan MinixRegistration closed
PO FIT Dog All Levels (8200)Thursday
6:00-7:00 pm
Susan Minix
PO FIT Dog All Levels (8347)Thursday
6:00-7:00 pm
No class 6/12/25
Susan MinixRegistration opens six weeks before start date.

Other Fitness Opportunities

Specific Exercises: Jumping

Class/DescriptionPrerequisites/Important Details
Title: PO Jumping 101
Strength and Conditioning grid exercises for teaching dogs proper jump form for Rally, Agility, Obedience, Disc Dog, and Dock Diving.  This class will utilize jump grids of all sorts to train the dog in proper jumping form including foot placement, weight shift, and rear end loading for a proper jumping arc.
Prerequisites: Puppies 7 months and older
What to Bring: Dog’s favorite reward:  treat ,toy, bowl, target food pouch or food robot (treat dispenser), a leash, crate and water.
Location: OTCPBC Practice Field
Class NameMeets/InstructorClick Button to Register
PO Jumping 101
Class Length: Class meets for six weeks for an hour. Cost: $139 (20% discount for members who worked 20 volunteer hours within the last 12 months). Participants will be expected to help move props.