Class Registration

To register you must pay online using credit card or PayPal account. Do not start the registration form unless you have your account information handy so that you may complete the transaction at this time. This form uses PayPal to process your payment. Do not leave the PayPal application until your payment is completed. A spot in class is not secured until payment processing has successfully completed.

Please do not scroll to find a class. The “REGISTER HERE” button brings you to a specific class. Please read the Class Name and Class Start date on the Select a Class dropdown to be sure you are registering for the class for which you intended to register.
If a class is full, you will not be able to submit information for this class.

  • By entering these classes and events, you release the Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County of any liability relating to Covid-19 or Canine Influenza or any other human or canine communicable diseases. All AKC, CDC, State and County Covid-19 policies will be strictly enforced.
    Please check yes in this field ONLY if you are entitled to membership discounts. (ONLY OTCPBC MEMBERS WHO HAVE WORKED 20 HOURS at OTCPBC functions within the last twelve months are eligible.) If you do not, you will be charged the nonmember rate. New members are NOT eligible for discounts until they have worked 20 volunteer hours. Discounts apply when volunteer hours have been recorded and published in Lead Lines.
  • This email will be used in sending confirmation email. Please check for accuracy.
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I affirm that the information I have entered is correct, including information on my dog's behavior around other dogs. My dog's veterinary records will reflect the dates submitted above. In case of accident or injury to my dog or myself, including dog bites, I hold harmless Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County (OTCPBC), its instructors, and its Board of Directors, from any claim or liability resulting from said accident or injury. I understand that animals, including my own dog(s), are unpredictable and that dog sports by nature are not without risk. I state that at this time both my dog and I are symptom free of any communicable diseases. By entering these classes and events, you release the Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County of any liability relating to Covid-19 or Canine Influenza or any other human or canine communicable diseases. All AKC, CDC, State and County Covid-19 policies will be strictly enforced.
    Clear Signature
  • Refunds: Because class size is limited and sufficient time is necessary to contact alternate students, class tuition may only be refunded if notice, in writing or by email, is received seven (7) business days prior to the start date of a class by the instructor or the director. OTCPBC does not offer make-up lessons, private instruction in lieu of group classes, or transfers of monies from one class to another. Seminar fees are nonrefundable unless there is a waiting list.
    Clear Signature
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Registration for all classes must be paid for online using the Debit/Credit Card option at the time of registration. If payment is not successful, a place in class will not be saved and registration will be automatically voided so someone else may register. Please monitor your debit/credit card or PayPal account to be sure that payment was successful.
  • $0.00
  • All information is correct and complete. I have my credit card or PayPal account information handy and am prepared to enter it now. Do not hit submit if you are not prepared to pay at this time.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.